Travel Hack: How To Find The Best Food When Travelling

Travel Hack: How To Find The Best Food When Travelling


Travelling can be an expensive affair, especially if you’re not careful. You may have to save up for months before your next trip, or worse – cut out some of your favorite activities because they’re just too pricey. But there’s one thing that won’t cost you a dime: food! Yes, eating well while exploring new places can go a long way towards making your time away more memorable and enjoyable. Here are nine tips to help you find the best food when on vacation:

Travel Hack: How To Find The Best Food When Travelling

Eat at the right time.

  • Eat at the right time of day.
  • Eat at the right time of year.
  • Eat at the right time of life.

Check TripAdvisor and Yelp.

These are two of the best resources for finding restaurants. TripAdvisor and Yelp both have millions of reviews from people who have been to the restaurant you’re looking at, so it’s likely that you’ll find some useful information there.

If you want a more scientific approach, Google Maps has an option called “Popular Places” where they show all kinds of businesses near where you are right now or in another city/state/country (and even worldwide). This is another great way to find out what other travelers think about certain restaurants around town!

Research the city you’re visiting.

Research the city you’re visiting.

What are the local specialties? What are the local dishes? What are the local foods? What are the local drinks? What are the local desserts? And finally, if there is one thing that stands out from all of these options, what would it be and why do people in this city love it so much?

Don’t be afraid to try something new.

You know what’s really scary? The fact that you’ve never tried the local cuisine or even something as simple as a different type of food.

When we travel, it’s easy to fall into the same old routine of eating at McDonald’s or Pizza Hut every day because they’re familiar and comfortable. But these places aren’t necessarily great options when you want to experience as much of your destination as possible. If you’re going somewhere new, why not try something different?

If nothing else, asking for help from locals can be extremely helpful when trying out new foods! If someone tells me there’s an amazing burger joint in town (which has happened), I’m definitely going there next time I’m around!

Ask the locals what they recommend.

  • Ask the locals what they recommend.
  • Ask your hotel concierge, front desk staff and taxi drivers.
  • Ask the people you meet on the street or at a market stall.
  • If you’re having trouble finding something good to eat, ask those sitting next to you at a restaurant or cafe for their advice!

Look for local foods, but don’t be afraid to venture out of your comfort zone.

  • Look for local foods, but don’t be afraid to venture out of your comfort zone.
  • Touristy places are usually the best.
  • Don’t be afraid to try something new!
  • Ask for recommendations from locals or people who work at restaurants; they’ll help you find some hidden gems that are sure to please your taste buds.

You can find delicious food wherever you travel!

You can find delicious food wherever you travel!

  • Try new things.
  • Eat at the right time.
  • Check TripAdvisor and Yelp for recommendations by locals, or ask your hotel concierge for their favorite spots nearby.
  • Research the city you’re visiting before leaving home, so that when it comes time to eat, there are no surprises (and no regrets).
  • Don’t be afraid to try something new–you never know what might end up being one of your new favorites!


We hope we’ve convinced you that there are many delicious food options around the world, and it’s worth taking a little extra time to find them. If all else fails, remember: there’s always McDonalds!