The 8 Most Popular Landmarks in Asia

The 8 Most Popular Landmarks in Asia


Asia is a continent that’s home to countless wonders of nature and man-made structures. From the tallest buildings in the world to ancient temples, Asia is jam-packed with some of the most beautiful landmarks in the world. So whether you’re planning a vacation or just want to see these beauties from afar, here are eight (plus) amazing places you’ll want to visit:

The 8 Most Popular Landmarks in Asia

The Burj Khalifa

The Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world, as well as being the world’s tallest structure, freestanding structure and manmade structure. And if you’re looking for an impressive landmark to visit while in Dubai, it doesn’t get much better than this.

The cost of constructing this massive tower was $1.5 billion USD (10 billion dirhams). That makes it not just one of the most expensive buildings ever built but also one of the most expensive structures ever created by humans! It took over five years to build and opened its doors on 4 January 2010 with a spectacular fireworks display at midnight followed by live music performances from international artists such as Alicia Keys and Sting throughout that evening until 2am when people were allowed onto their balconies so they could take pictures from above ground level which is where most tourists go during their visit since there aren’t many other places nearby where they can see something similar without having access inside those buildings themselves like here at The World Financial Center Towers or maybe even further down along Sheikh Zayed Road near where I work next door so check those out too while visiting Dubai City Center Mall if possible before heading back home later today after visiting me here first thing tomorrow morning again around 9am sharp sharp sharp sharp sharp

The Great Wall of China

It’s the world’s longest man-made structure, and has been around for more than 2,000 years. The Great Wall of China is 5,500 miles long–that’s more than half the distance from New York City to Los Angeles! It was built to protect China from invaders.

The Great Wall was first built during the Qin Dynasty (221 BC-206 BC), but it wasn’t finished until much later on during the Ming Dynasty (1368 AD-1644 AD). Even today there are parts of this ancient wonder still being repaired or rebuilt by volunteers who want to help preserve this historic landmark for generations to come!

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat is a temple complex in Cambodia that was built by the Khmer Empire in the 12th century. It’s considered to be the largest religious monument in the world, and it’s carved from sandstone. Angkor has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1992, and it’s currently undergoing extensive restoration work to protect this historic site for future generations to enjoy.

Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum located in Agra, India. It was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The white marble structure overlooks the Yamuna River and has become one of the most recognizable structures in the world.

In 2008, it was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of a group of monuments called the “Taj Complex”.

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris, France. It was built for the 1889 World’s Fair and has been an icon of France ever since. When it was first constructed, it was the tallest structure in the world…and still is today!

The Eiffel Tower stands 324 meters tall (1,063 feet) and weighs 7,300 tons (the equivalent of 1/3rd of a million elephants). It took 2 years to build and cost 8 million francs–about $1 billion today! The original design included two additional floors: one at 250 meters high with an observation deck that could hold up to 100 people; another at 300 meters high where visitors could look out over Paris from above its rooftops while enjoying refreshments served by waiters on roller skates or bicycles who would zip up and down ramps between platforms while carrying drinks on trays attached underneath their bicycles’ handlebars! Unfortunately these plans were abandoned when Gustave Eiffel realized how much work such ambitious additions would require him personally so now visitors must content themselves with admiring views from only one level instead.”

Tokyo Sky Tree

Tokyo Sky Tree is the tallest structure in Japan and the second tallest in the world. It was completed in 2012, after being under construction since 2008. The tower stands 634 meters tall, making it taller than any other building in Tokyo (including buildings like Tokyo Tower).

Tokyo Sky Tree has two observation decks: one 350 meters above ground and another at 450 meters above ground. Visitors can enjoy views over Tokyo as well as see Mount Fuji on clear days from both of these vantage points!

Temple of Heaven Park, Beijing, China.

The Temple of Heaven Park is a large park located in the southeastern part of central Beijing, China. It’s called the Temple of Heaven because it was the site of imperial sacrifices to Heaven and Earth (also known as T’ien-t’ai). The temple complex comprises several monuments enclosed within walls:

  • The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests (Qian Jin Dian), which was used by emperors and other members of royalty for ceremonies praying for good harvests.
  • The Circular Mound Altar (Tai Yuan Tan), where sacrificial offerings were once made to heaven by an emperor at each New Year’s Festival; this is now an open air stage used for performances during festivals and fairs held at Taihuangdao Ferry Pier nearby on Bei He Road near Tiananmen Square in downtown Beijing’s Xicheng District across from Qianmen Gate where travelers can cross Jingshan Bridge over Coal Creek into Shichahai Lake Park with its famous Pavilion Bridge dating back over 300 years ago when it was built during Emperor Kangxi’s rule over Qing Dynasty China between 1722 CE – 1735 CE after being damaged twice by flooding since then rebuilt several times but retains its original style

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient world were first listed by Greek Philo-sopher Callimachus in the 3rd century BC. The list was later expanded to include the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, but this did not change its status as a list of man-made structures rather than natural wonders.

The ancient Greeks never recognized this list as official or canonical; some historians believe that it may have been created as early as 7th century BC by an unknown traveler from Asia Minor who wanted to draw attention to his homeland’s achievements.

Asia is home to many amazing landmarks

Asia is a big continent, and it is home to many amazing landmarks. The Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the Great Wall of China, Angkor Wat and Taj Mahal are among the most famous. Tokyo Sky Tree is the tallest tower in the world at 634 meters (2132 feet).


Asia is home to many amazing landmarks. The list above includes only a few of the most popular ones in the region, but there are many others that could have made this list as well. From Angkor Wat in Cambodia (which was built over 1,000 years ago) to Tokyo Sky Tree in Japan (which opened just last year), there’s something for everyone!